Bokstavsberlock Halsband silver, A-Z - Mila Silver
BOKSTAVSBERLOCKER I silver som bildar ordet LOVE.

Mila Silver

Letter Charm Necklace silver, AZ

From €25,00
BOKSTAVSBERLOCK 18k. guld, A-Ö - Mila Silver
Hänge med utstansad BOKSTAVSBERLOCK i guld placerad på present-ask.

Mila Silver

Letter Charm 18k. gold, A-Z


Mila Silver

Tiny Heart Earrings, silver


Mila Silver

Dew Heart bracelet, silver


Mila Silver

Dagg Silver bracelet, chain

Små örhängen i silver med kulor.
Silverörhängen med silverkulor i olika storlekar.

Mila Silver

Noomi Bloom Ear studs, silver

MINOU Diamond ear studs 0.10 ct - Mila Silver
Minou Diamantörhängen 2x0.10 ct - Mila Silver

Mila Silver

Minou Diamond earrings 0.10 ct

MINOU Diamant halsband - Mila Silver
Minou Diamanthalsband - Mila Silver

Mila Silver

MINOU Diamond necklace

From €172,95
BERLOCK Eget fot/hand avtryck, silver - Mila Silver
BERLOCK Eget fot/hand avtryck, silver - Mila Silver

Mila Silver

CHARM Own foot/hand print, silver

En berlock i guld med fotavtryck.
BERLOCK Eget fot/hand avtryck, 18k. guld - Mila Silver

Children's jewelry in genuine silver & gold

Children's jewelry should be made of materials that are sustainable and natural. Mila Silver offers a selected and unique range of children's jewelry in genuine silver, 925 sterling silver, and 18k. gold. Hypoallergenic precious metals that last a lifetime.

Necklace for children with letter

Discover our range of letter charms that suit both children and adults. The charms are small and can be combined with a silver chain in any length. A charm with the child's letter is a nice birthday gift or baptism gift that can be worn even when the child becomes a teenager and an adult. Our letter charms are available in silver, 18k. recycled gold and with a diamond letter.

Necklace for children in silver with funny animals

Discover our new necklaces that have different animal charms! Choose your child's favorite animal or an animal that suits the child's personality. The necklaces are suitable for both girls and boys and are made of genuine silver. A perfect christening gift or present for both big and small children.

Free gift wrapping

When you order a child's jewelry or gift for a baptism, we ensure that you receive a nice gift box with the delivery, at no extra cost.
Our boxes are made in Denmark from Eco certified cardboard.