Our silver chains are usually available in lengths of 40, 45, 50, 60, 70 cm. (subject to final sale)
Look at the illustration to get an idea of how the chain will fit on you.
Keep in mind that the length of a silver chain is also determined by height and body type. Should you wear a charm on the chain? Also count on it.
Read our necklace size guide for more information.
Ketten für Herren sind in den Längen 45,50,60,70 cm erhältlich
(vorbehaltlich vorübergehendem Ausverkauf).
Die gängigste Länge für eine kurze Kette für Herren beträgt 50 cm.
Wenn Sie möchten, dass die Kette außen am Hemd liegt, wählen Sie 60 oder 70 cm.
Schauen Sie sich die Abbildung an, um eine Vorstellung davon zu bekommen, wie die Kette zu Ihnen passen wird.
Denken Sie daran, dass Ihr Körpertyp wichtig ist. Wenn Sie groß oder kräftig sind, wählen Sie eine längere Kette als auf dem Bild.
Thin sheer silver chains blend into the outfit. The chains can be worn with or without pendants.
The Venice chain in the picture is a smooth silver chain that is available in two thicknesses. A tight, stylish silver chain that is extra white in color.
You can combine Mila Silver's fine silver chains.
Order a few different lengths and models and try them out. Vary your silver chains by wearing them with charms .
The silver chain is versatile and a unisex piece of jewellery.
A cool silver chain can tone down or enhance your outfit. The most feminine clothing becomes cooler, the neutral in the more masculine direction.
The silver chain with large chunky links makes a strong impression. It speaks for itself and does not need to be worn with more jewelry.
The paperclip chain in the picture is a silver chain with oval, stylish links.
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